William Wootton
The Tidong River
Bjerka power plant
Bjerka power plant is located in the Leirskar Valley in Hemnes Municipality in Nordland County.
1972Entered into operation
20 MWInstalled capacity
142.6 GWhAnnual production
The power plant uses Lake Store Målvatn as a reservoir.
The water in the upper part of the Bjerka watercourse is transferred to Rana power plant. So Bjerka power plant makes use of the residual water flow and a total height of fall of 371 metres. A license was granted in 1968 to dam up to contour 430, but until 1998 only a portion of this was used.

The generating unit operates at an extremely high speed (1,000 rpm) and is equipped with a Francis turbine.

Company | Ownership share |
Statkraft | 100% |